> 文章列表 > 春节团圆饭的英语讲解





吃团圆饭的英语翻译是\"Have a family meal\"。团圆饭是中国传统春节的重要习俗,家人们聚在一起共享美食,增进亲情。



1. 干煸豆角 - Stir-Fried Green Beans

2. 酱爆肉丝 - Shredded Pork in Hot Bean Sauce

3. 麻婆豆腐 - Mapo Tofu

4. 宫保鸡丁 - Kung Pao Chicken

5. 干锅牛肉 - Dry Pot Beef

6. 蒜蓉蒸虾 - Steamed Garlic Shrimp

7. 铁板牛肉 - Iron Plate Beef

8. 红烧狮头 - Braised Lion\'s Head Meatballs

9. 家常豆腐 - Homestyle Tofu

10. 红烧排骨 - Braised Pork Ribs

11. 鱼香肉丝 - Shredded Pork in Garlic Sauce

12. 蟹黄狮子头 - Crab Roe Lion\'s Head Meatballs

13. 清蒸鲈鱼 - Steamed Sea Bass

14. 笋尖炒肉片 - Stir-Fried Pork with Bamboo Shoots

15. 麻辣烫 - Spicy Hot Pot

16. 红烧鲫鱼 - Braised Carp

17. 油焖大虾 - Braised Prawns

18. 糖醋里脊 - Sweet and Sour Pork

19. 梅菜扣肉 - Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables

20. 香辣蟹 - Spicy Crab

21. 醋溜白菜 - Stir-Fried Chinese Cabbage in Vinegar Sauce

22. 香葱炒蛏子 - Stir-Fried Razor Clams with Scallions

23. 尖椒皮蛋 - Stir-Fried Green Peppers with Preserved Eggs

24. 清蒸扇贝 - Steamed Scallops

25. 酸菜鱼 - Fish with Pickled Mustard Greens

26. 麻辣香锅 - Spicy Pot

27. 白切鸡 - Boiled Chicken

28. 蒜蓉蒸蟹 - Steamed Garlic Crab

29. 回锅肉 - Twice-Cooked Pork

30. 鲍鱼翅 - Braised Shark\'s Fin



年夜饭的英文表达是\"The dinner on New Year\'s Eve\"。在中国,年夜饭是指在农历新年除夕之夜全家人团聚,共同享受丰盛的晚餐,象征着家庭的团圆和幸福。


除夕之夜,家人们聚餐在一起吃年夜饭的英文翻译是\"On New Year\'s Eve, family members gather together for a reunion dinner.\" 在这个特殊的夜晚,家人们共同庆祝新年到来,享用美味的年夜饭,这象征着团圆和幸福,也是一种传统习俗。


团圆饭在英文中的表达是\"Family reunion dinner\"。团圆饭是指全家人聚在一起共进晚餐,加强家庭关系,培养亲情。


春节前夕,家人团聚,吃团圆饭的英语翻译是\"On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members gather together for a reunion dinner.\" 在春节即将到来的前夜,家人们相聚一堂,共享团圆饭,体现了浓厚的家庭氛围和温馨的节日气氛。



1. Fried Boiled Pork 过油肉

2. Pork with Preserved Vegetable 梅菜扣肉

3. Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁

4. Braised Beef Brisket with Taro 芋头牛腩

5. Steamed Fish with Soy Sauce 清蒸鱼

6. Stir-Fried Shrimp with Garlic 蒜蓉炒虾

7. Braised Sea Cucumber with Scallions 葱爆海参

8. Sweet and Sour Pork 糖醋里脊

9. Stir-Fried Vegetables with Oyster Sauce 蚝油炒时蔬

10. Braised Abalone with Mushroom 鲍鱼扒蘑菇



大年夜家人在一起吃年夜饭的英文表达是\"We have our family reunion dinner in the Eve of the Spring Festival.\" 这句话意味着春节前夜全家团聚共进年夜饭,共同迎接新年的到来,传承家庭的传统和温馨。


A: What is the significance of the New Year\'s Eve dinner in Chinese culture?

B: The New Year\'s Eve dinner, also known as the reunion dinner, is a significant tradition in Chinese culture. It symbolizes the reunion of family members and the celebration of the upcoming year.

A: What are some traditional dishes served during the New Year\'s Eve dinner?

B: Some traditional dishes include dumplings, fish, spring rolls, and various meat and vegetable dishes. These dishes have different symbolic meanings, such as luck, prosperity, and longevity.

A: How do Chinese families prepare for the New Year\'s Eve dinner?

B: Chinese families often start preparations weeks in advance. They clean the house thoroughly to sweep away bad luck and decorate it with red lanterns and couplets. They also buy ingredients and prepare the dishes together as a family.

A: What is the atmosphere like during the New Year\'s Eve dinner?

B: The atmosphere is joyful and lively. Family members gather around the table, sharing delicious food and exchanging good wishes for the new year. It is a time for laughter, bonding, and creating cherished memories.

A: How long does the New Year\'s Eve dinner usually last?

B: The New Year\'s Eve dinner usually lasts for several hours. It is a time for leisurely dining and enjoying the company of loved ones. After the dinner, families may stay up late to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala or participate in other festive activities.

A: What is the significance of the New Year\'s Eve dinner for Chinese families?

B: The New Year\'s Eve dinner is a time for family reunion and strengthening family ties. It represents the importance of family and the value of togetherness. It is a cherished tradition that brings joy and warmth to every household.


Mom: It\'s Chinese New Year\'s Eve today! Let\'s prepare a fantastic dinner for the whole family.

Dad: That\'s a great idea! We should make sure we have all the traditional dishes.

Son: I can help with marinating the meat for the Braised Pork Belly and preparing the ingredients for the Stir-Fried Vegetables.

Daughter: I\'ll take care of making dumplings. It\'s a tradition to have dumplings during the New Year\'s Eve dinner.

Grandma: I\'ll make the Steamed Fish. It symbolizes abundance and prosperity for the new year.

Mom: Let\'s also prepare some spring rolls and Sweet and Sour Pork. They are everyone\'s favorites.

Dad: Don\'t forget to buy some oranges and tangerines. They represent good luck and fortune.

Grandpa: I\'ll make a toast during the dinner, expressing our gratitude and wishing everyone a prosperous new year.

The whole family: Cheers! Happy Chinese New Year!
